Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's A...


Hooray! We are so excited to be numbered among the lucky ones who get one of each gender for their first two kids. Kevin was able to attend the first half of our ultrasound with me before he had to return to work. Turns out his first afternoon patient canceled on him so he would have been able to stay, but the good news is that he practically won't have missed anything since I have about 40 pictures and 8 videos for him to see! The ultrasound tech was not busy at all -- there were no other appointments waiting after me -- so she took her time really trying to get good pictures of our little girl. None of the 3D pictures are quite as clear as the ones we got with Mikey since our little girl had her face snuggled right up next to my placenta, and half the time the umbilical cord was also looped in front of her nose and mouth. I was thrilled, however that I got to spend about an hour in the room looking at these pictures and videos of my sweet little baby!

The ultrasound tech was the same lady we had when I was pregnant with Mikey. She is great, so nice, and loves her job. Anyway, she explained a lot of the things she was looking at and measuring. The measurements she took of the baby that estimate the age said she was 20 weeks and 5 days old, and her age based on my last period is 20 weeks and 4 days! You can't get much closer than that. She is growing right on target. She weighs about 14 oz. She was contorted into a bunch of crazy positions, which made getting the pictures more difficult at times. She had one or both of her feet up near her head for the first twenty minutes. Her arms are up near her head and face in a lot of the pictures below, and the videos. I'll just put a brief description by each one now.

And for those of you who haven't heard yet, we are naming her Ginny! I have known a few Ginnys in my life that I have absolutely loved and I know this Ginny will be no exception. :)

This is her head lying next to the placenta. The nose area was almost always blurry because of the portion of her umbilical cord that was between her face and the transducer, but the few times I saw her nose more clearly it was very cute :)

You can see the bridge of her nose a little bit in this picture, but I like the way you can see her lips. She had her mouth open like this for a while. She also yawned a few times during the ultrasound.

This picture shows her right forearm and hand coming across her body and up under her chin. She has the cutest, tiny fingers right now! Again, her face is blurred by the cord in front of it.

Here's our proof of the female parts... We looked between her legs several times and waited for her to get in a position for a clear picture. This picture is a little weird to see, but it's looking up at her bottom, the white arrow points to the part in question. Her legs were open and there was some other image between her knees behind the arrow, maybe a loop of cord or part of an arm. Not sure.

Last, but not least, a picture of her face that was a little more straight on, as in not smashed up against the placenta. Sadly, the umbilical cord was still wrapped in front of her nose and mouth so it made the whole things kinda blurry/bumpy.

These are just four of the videos we got saved. You can see flashes of body parts and of her face as they come in and out of focus. She was moving quite a bit throughout the whole thing, but never moved her face into full view. We could get much clearer pictures if we wanted to pay for a second ultrasound around 30 weeks, but I kinda doubt we'll do that. We'll just wait to see what she looks like when she comes out :) We love you, little Ginny! We're so excited for Mikey to meet his little sister!!!!


Matt and Melissa said...

YaY a girl! I'm so excited for you Jamie and Ginny is such a cute name! Congrats!

Meg said...

Beautiful!!! Love the name! I am so excited for you. It will be fun to see how different your two are. Lyza was so calm and quiet for the first 15 months or so, and Peter is the exact opposite! Have fun girl shopping, it is WAY more fun than boy shopping :)

...Laura... said...

Yay for having one of each! It's sooo fun! I love the ultrasound pics- so jealous- my dr's 3d one was getting fixed during my pregnancy so I never got the cool ones. And of course of love the name you picked out, since it is my little girl's name :)

Shawn said...

Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait to meet our little Ginny. Love the name! I'm having lunch next week with one of those Ginnys you and I know and love. The pictures were fun to see and I'll take your word for it that she's really a girl. If not, maybe we can call him Ginno. hehe

sherry carpet said...

am i the only one who thinks we are living in a sci-fi writer's fantasy? love the pictures, J, and the name. Will it be short for something, like Virginia? looking forward to lots more updates as you ripen. xo, krista

Chelan said...

Congratualtions Jamie :-) Can't wait to see her!

Nicea said...

I am enchanted by the videos. I'm suore your mom has told you that we have an Aunt Ginny, right? Fred and I know a Ginny from law school days at USC, too. We love 'em both.

Jamie said...

Krista, Ginny is short for Virginia, normally. We have decided that we'll use Ginny as her full name though.

Oh and thanks, everyone!

Beth at Aunties said...

I am so EXCITED for this little one and thrilled she is a SHE! Precious Ginny has forever found her way into my heart.

Jana Brookes said...

Love the name! So cute! And can't wait to see her and Mikey together! Congrats!