Saturday, October 8, 2011

Happy Birthday, Ginny Kay!

Here are some of our favorite pictures from the birth. It was a whirlwind of a labor, but I am feeling so thankful and blessed that it was so fast! We are so happy to have our beautiful daughter, and grateful for her health. I wanted to write my birth story while it's still fresh, so here it is for those of you interested...

On Friday, October 7th, I woke up at 7 AM like usual and noticed I was having mild contractions. I was kind of excited and told Kevin about it, since I hadn't had more than 2-5 Braxton Hicks in a whole day before that time. Friday morning I was having them about 10-30 minutes apart for 5 hours. I went into the dental office with Kevin and he watched Mikey while I got caught up on work. I do part-time bookkeeping, and I was able to work 3 hours while having sporadic mild contractions. We called Kevin's parents to tell them we might be in early labor and they should plan to come into town Friday night or Saturday. My parents are in Brazil, so we didn't bother calling them yet... We didn't want to cry wolf. :)

After I finished at work, I was REALLY hungry since I missed "first lunch", which I usually eat at 10:30. We drove to Subway and got some lunch and then we all went home for a nice family afternoon nap. After sleeping for 1.5-2 hours, we were all refreshed and ready to go out and enjoy a Friday afternoon hike.

We went up to the Colorado National Monument around 3:30 PM and did the short hike to Devil's Kitchen. Mikey is quite the hiker and walked/jogged along side us at least half the time! I was a little disappointed because ever since I woke up from my nap, and all through the hike, I only had about three contractions. They seemed to be going away. I told Kevin we might not have her this weekend after all.

The next sign of labor was 9pm that night when my contractions started to pick up again. They were still mild, but were coming fairly regularly at 10-15 minute intervals. Kevin's parents arrived around 9:30, and we told them that the contractions were regular, but mild. I decided to try to get some sleep and decided to lie down in bed at around 10:00pm. In the next hour the contractions become stronger, and increased to 7-10 minutes apart. I realized I wouldn't be able to sleep, but I stayed in bed and relaxed as much as I could. By 1:00 am they were 5-7 minutes apart and strengthening, at which time I called the midwife and his assistant to come. I decided to get in the bath at that time to help relax, pass the time and relieve discomfort. I was listening to my hypnobirthing music while breathing through my surges. At 1:53 am I decided to check my own cervix, and was pleasantly surprised that I could reach it so easily. I was 3-4 cm dilated and 70% effaced. I also stripped my own membranes (Don't try this at home unless you have a degree and have practiced on many other delivering moms), since I had hoped my labor was further along.

Little did I realize stripping my membranes would be so effective! Holy mama! A few minutes later (2:00 am) the midwife's assistant, Andrea, arrived and helped me out of the tub. One thing led to another, and Ginny was breastfeeding like a champ. Just kidding, I'll give you the details on the events that transpired. Between 2:00 and 3:00 the surges intensified A LOT, and started to increase in duration. They were 3-5 minutes apart and I was still using my hypnobirthing to stay relaxed and maintain even breathing. At 3:00 am (6:00 am their time) I called my parents in Brazil to tell them I was in labor. 10 minutes later Bill my midwife arrived in his cheerful splendor. I was laboring on our bathroom floor because the cold linoleum felt good on my legs. The surges kept getting stronger, 3 minutes apart and lasting 60 seconds. I tried toilet seat, a birthball and side-lying in bed but none of these positions were helping me deal with the intense labor. Back to the linoleum floor. At 4:32 am I got sick and vomited a couple of times (first vomit from my mouth in 14 years). I HATE throwing up, but I new it was a good sign that my cervix was opening. I asked Bill to check me, which he did at 4:40, and to my utter delight I was 9.5 cm, 100% effaced with just a small anterior lip remaining. Ginny's head was still high enough that Bill's entire middle finger reached inside before touching her. He suggested I switch to my hands and knees to help her descend (good move). The surges were so overwhelmingly powerful I couldn't help but become vocal and bear down, which woke up Mikey. Kevin went in to put him down, thinking we still had some time. 3 Surges followed. At 4:45 am my water broke and was clear. On the next surge she descended all the way to crowning with two pushes. I reached my hand down to hold her head in and told Bill and Andrea to go get Kevin so he didn't miss the birth. At 4:53 am, Kevin hustled into the bathroom with a very confused Mikey to watch me deliver Ginny. I supported her head with my right hand while panting and letting her head inch slowly out. Bill helped deliver the shoulders and we brought her on top of my tummy. Kevin cried a little in a tender way, but not in the freaked out bawling father way he did with Mikey.

At 5:06 am my placenta came out cleanly with one push, and I lost only one cup of blood. It was an incredibly clean birth. Ginny Kay weighed 7lb 6.5oz and was 20 inches. As soon as I was cleaned up and back in bed, she was nursing with a strong latch. At 5:25 am Kevin was able to cut the umbilical cord and we've been living happily ever after.

Thanks to Kevin for being my scribe for this post while I nurse Ginny.


Meg said...

Wow! That is a fairly amazing story! I'm glad it went so quickly and smoothly and that she is such a great little eater already! Congratulations you two!!

Carrie said...

I LOVE birth stories! I am so glad that everything went well and there were no complications! I thought the confused Mikey part was funny, hehe. I'm happy you are doing well, congratulations!

Matt and Melissa said...

That is truly amazing! I can't believe you were able to check yourself and strip your membranes. You rock lady. It sounds like hypnobirthing worked really well! I love you Jamie and I'm so proud of you and excited for you and your new baby. COngrats to you and Kevin on your second beautiful baby! You and Ginny Kay look beautiful! We'll have to talk some time in the next few weeks!

Brittani said...

congrats. that is so beautiful and amazing and wonderful. Labor and birth are truly my favorite part of the whole process (okay, I guess the baby is pretty rad too) Thanks for the quick post and pictures!

Jana Brookes said...

Congrats Jamie! She is beautiful and you are so awesome to be able to do all that on your own and handle it so well! Wow! Congrats, and enjoy her! Girls are fun!

The Foys said...

Happy birthday baby Ginny! And so much for waiting till next week (or even your due date ha) to have her! She's so beautiful and I want to hold her so badly! Congrats you two :0)

Cassadee said...

That was pretty hard core to strip your own membranes! Well done! She is so precious and I can't wait to meet her...I'll be patient...I was thinking about Mikey and how funny it would be if he woke up after she was born and there was a new sister. Kinda wierd. I bet he is thrilled!!!!!!! Give me a call when you can...

Shawn said...

Love your midwife speak. I can imagine how much different my rendition of one of my birth experiences would have been back in the day. Very fascinating! Thanks for the pictures. LOVE THEM!

You won't believe this but it's true. WV: lapor

Carol Joy said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! And welcome to the world Ginny! Already loved so much. ;) I love your story. I can't believe that you went hiking in the middle of all the contractions (though I suppose I don't understand all that stuff), and that you held her in so Kevin could come be there, and that Mikey was also there! Love it. I'm so excited to meet her, sometime after November 11th... ;) Love, love you all!

Nicea said...

Congratulations, Jamie! I'm so amazed at how competent--not to mention cool and collected--you are at giving birth. You're amazing! Isn't it also amazing how close in age Ginny and Nora are? And only 1/2 oz. difference in their stats, too! So cool.

Liz G said...

Hope things are still going well for you! It was fun to talk to you and hear the birth story first hand. You've got me wanting another one of my own! Maybe I'll just come hold Ginny soon instead. :)

Chelan said...

Congratulations Jamie & Kevin! Wow Jamie, you really know how to keep cool and document everything--even when you're the one going through all the pain and delivery!Have fun with your new sweet little Ginny. She's adorable :-)

momilee said...

I'm so glad to hear that things went better than with Mikey! So gld this went smooth with no hang-ups. Thanks for sharing!

...Laura... said...

Congratulations! You have the most beautiful birth stories! I should have done midwiferey just so I could participate like that in my births! You are seriously amazing! How neat for Mikey to be able to be there... but good that he's still young he won't remember ;) I love that Kevin didn't bawl but had tender tears.. how funny.

Ani B said...

So precious! Loved the narration of your birth story! Congratulations to you guys.