Thursday, December 15, 2011

We have kids now... WEIRD.

 One of the strangest things for me after Ginny was born was talking about my kids in plural. It sounded so weird to me rolling off the tongue... "kidS" as opposed to always just referring to my son or my child. The other weird thing was talking about my baby in feminine pronouns. "Is she hungry?" "Can you hold her for a minute?" "Where's her blanket?" etc. It sounded so foreign. I'm happy to report that a few short months later, I'm used to it. I love having kids, and I love having a boy AND a girl now. Here are some of our fun moments from the last two months, and plenty of pictures of the baby since I know at least one person has been going into withdrawals...

Mikey is loving his independence. This includes brushing his own teeth with whatever toothbrush he can get his hands on. More often than not it's mine.

Our sweetheart sleeping at 1 day old.

Our homegrown pumpkins. Kevin insisted we plant pumpkins and we ended up getting some giant ones out of it. Nana and Papa Lewis were in town to see our new baby and they took advantage of some of our homegrown tomatoes too. We had a good garden this year and are looking forward to planting another one next year.

Mom and 1-day-old Ginny

Here's Dad, complete with cowlick in hair.

2 days old

Mikey gets so excited to hold his sister. He feels so important to be the big brother! Ginny doesn't look thrilled about it in this shot.

My little angels. I love Mikey's expression in this one!

Mikey sitting on one of our three biggest pumpkins from the garden. It kinda looks like he's sitting on the john by his posture. I know you were thinking the same thing.

Kevin stood on a ladder to stack some food storage up on our high shelves and Mikey wanted to copy him. He actually climbed up two rungs unassisted. He is an incredibly capable climber.

First time in the carseat, on her way to the pediatrician for a well baby check up. She is 3 days old here.

Love her in this leopard print onesie! 4 days old.

5 days old

8 days old. I loved how she put her hands up by her face when she fell asleep.

11 days old. Already changing so much!

She joined Mikey in his toddler bed for a little photo shoot :) I LOVE this picture. 

Mikey has had to find ways to entertain himself while I'm busy with the baby. I found him like this one day, reading a picture book upside down.

Sometimes he gets jealous of the baby's toys and accessories and he wants to pretend to be the baby again. I'm pretty sure he's surpassed the limits for this carseat.

A little family cuddle time. Kevin took these ones of us. Ginny is 3 weeks old here.

Ginny fell back asleep after a diaper change and didn't have a shirt on. Her position is just funny, and her daddy enjoyed some cuddling with his sweet daughter.

Mikey getting ready for some early trick-or-treating in downtown Grand Junction. Duncan and Liz and their daughter Mya were visiting too, along with my mom. 

We took the kids downtown for trick-or-treating on Main Street. Mikey's bear costume was a Goodwill find, and was a tad bit too small for him, but that made it look even funnier. He loved the suckers more than any of the other treats.

Mya was the cutest cow you ever did see.

I also got Ginny's costume at Goodwill. She was a little Indian girl, or Sacajawea as my mom named her. She's in my sling in this picture, which is why she's so scrunched. She slept through the whole trick-or-treating outing.

Kevin and I finally carved our pumpkins on Halloween Day.

Here are the kids in their double stroller getting ready to go out trick-or-treating around our neighborhood.

Mikey loved going up to the doors and knocking. After a few houses, he started to reach into the candy bowls of the people at the door instead of waiting for them to give him candy. It is so much fun to take a toddler trick-or-treating!

Kevin manned his post while we were away, watching a Halloween movie on the laptop on the porch, surrounded by our jack-o-lanterns.

A witch, A.K.A. Shawn

A dragon

The Boogeyman from Nightmare Before Christmas

I just love to take pictures of funny sleeping positions. This was a good one. Ginny was 3 1/2 weeks old here, and gaining weight, as you can see! She has put on the pounds more quickly than Mikey ever did!

Mikey pretending to be the baby again.

Still 3 1/2 weeks

Spending a lot more time awake by now

My beautiful mom with my beautiful daughter :)

Mikey has also become quite the helper around the house. We were assembling these little shelves and Mikey kept asking me for the screws so he could put them in the holes like this. It was adorable.

Our little family on Ginny's blessing day, November 6th, 2011.

Mikey likes to wear my mom's reading glasses and walk around with them on. It's pretty cute.

This is a dress that Nana Lewis bought Ginny for her blessing. It was beautiful! the headband was from Liz, and the bracelet was a gift from my friend Katie.

I got these shoes on clearance at Target and they fit her perfectly! She has since grown out of them, so I'm glad we blessed her as early as we did.

These are just some of the many faces of Ginny...

Our Ginny at 1 month old.

Another new behavior of Mikey's is organizing things. He likes to play "put and take" as my grandma calls it, by taking objects from one place and moving them to another place. He also likes to take a bunch of similar objects and line them up in a row. This is what he did with a bunch of craft rings I had -- lined them up on the arm of my futon.

Another time, he took all the books from one section of his book shelf and lined them up along the outside edge of the ottoman. He then proceeded to walk around and read each book down the line.

This picture is from a fun outing I had with my mom, Nicea, Liz, Abby and Amanda at Gardner Village. It was their midnight madness sale, and we actually did stay out until midnight!

My wonderful husband watched my baby so I could enjoy a girls' night out. This same weekend we attended a birthday party for Kevin's grandma Jenks. It was her 85th. I stupidly forgot my camera so I don't have pictures from it. We got some family pictures taken by his sister Natalie, but I haven't posted those yet either. I might use one of those for a new blog header picture. We'll see.

One thing I did want to mention, speaking of Abby, is that she and I had baby girls within 4 days of each other. Her baby is named Nora, and she weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz and was 20 inches long. Ginny weighed 7 lbs. 6.5 oz and was also 20 inches long. Crazy, huh? Abby had her baby girl with her at Gardner Village. It was fun to meet baby Nora.

Ginny at 7 weeks

Kevin showing the first pike he ever caught, and a very large trout from a recent fishing trip. He fried these up and we got to eat them. They were quite tasty!

The Christmas presents I made for Duncan, Liz, and Mya this year. Family PJ pants! Hooray!

Here she is at almost 8 weeks.

She was really smiley one morning and I caught it on camera. She has been smiling and cooing so much more these past few weeks and it's been a lot of fun. She is really expressive!

Sorry they're sideways. I rotated them before I loaded them, but they flipped back for some reason.

Ginny at almost 2 months, Mikey at 21 months.

Giving baby sister kisses!

I caught them both smiling. It was amazing.

Kevin and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary on December 6th. He bought me this lovely bouquet. It continued to bloom for a week and a half!

We recently had a mini Christmas with my parents and Duncan and Liz and Mya. Liz crocheted this super cute bear hat for Mikey.

My mom bought pajamas for the little grandkids.

Mikey and Mya in their new jammies.

Mikey opening a gift with Grandpa.

Some of our best shots of the three grandkids in their pajamas...

And here's little Ginny in her cloth diapers we just started her in a few weeks ago. She is modeling the pink booties that Liz crocheted for her for Christmas. Liz did an awesome job. These are so cute!

Don't know why this picture got turned upside down.

And there you have it. I have FINALLY caught up on my blogging! Hooray! Stay tuned for a funny quiz that I've been meaning to post. I'll try to get it up in the next day or two. Goodbye for now.


Meg said...

Yay for baby pictures!! Ginnie is darling, I love her little grin! Mikey is SO big! Isn't it weird how your little baby turned into a little boy the day Ginnie arrived? You guys are too cute. How is the transition to two going? Is she a good sleeper/eater?

Cassadee said...

I hope you are talking about me going through withdrawals!!! Those kids are so stinking cute I can't even handle it.

Liz G said...

You did it! Way to get caught up! Now you can get back to blogging regularly. And I'll keep trying to motivate myself to get caught up. :)

The Foys said...

Oh I'm so happy that you updated your bloggity blog! I've been dying to see pictures of your kiddos and see how you guys are doing! Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule with your KIDS to do that! Love you!

Shawn said...

I highly recommend two Christmases! Let's do it every year! I need me summa deez pictures.

Jana Brookes said...

SO CUTE! I love her halloween costume and her blessing dress! And Liz is a very talented s-i-l of yours! You have such a beautiful family. So happy for you. I totally relate to you thinking it's strange to talk about having plural kids! I can't believe I have 3 and have been married OVER a decade. Wow. How'd that happen anyway? Glad for the update!

sunnydaycamp said...

Jamie. I have been waiting for an updated blog post! I loved all the pictures. Awesome you have two. They are both so cute. You look wonderful too. I am expecting a girl on April 24th. Merry Christmas. With love. Ann

Carol Joy said...

Gol!! I love, love them all!! I can't believe how much time has already passed. You're all so stinkin cute! Mya is SO adorable. I really really need to make a trip out to GJ--I don't live very far away! But this whole extremely poor thing is very sad, and so...someday!

Beth at Aunties said...

I agree, HOORAY for updates! I am pretty sure I know who has had withdrawals:)
Liz is so talented! And so are all the pumpkin carvers...Very Well done!
I totally agree you have such dang cute (sweet and kissable) kidS, and a pretty handsome hubby who can catch huge fish. He is a pretty lucky guy himself! Love you guys...xoxo
No updating happening at this house...darn maybe next year:)
Oh, and I am very much looking forward to a Friday night treat! Someone else cooking is such a novelty around her...