Wednesday, February 8, 2012

They Grow Like Weeds!

 My little Mikey is becoming a big boy all too quickly. He can climb up the bar stools by himself, and has been for a while now. One of his favorite hangouts is on the kitchen island. Here he is enjoying a snack of tortilla chips before dinner one Sunday.

 He also likes to ride around the house on his bike. He sometimes puts his feet on the pedals, but they're too hard to pedal on carpet, so he just scoots around. He's wearing the lid to a penguin toy chest as a hat. I found him like this and just had to take a picture. We think he's pretty cute.

 Ginny is also growing way too fast! She is probably close to 14 or 15 pounds by now... She just turned 4 months old, so I'll be taking her in for a check up and some vaccinations any day now. She has recently (in the last month or so) outgrown her baby bath so she gets to use the big bath with Mikey. He thinks it's pretty fun to have her in there. Sometimes he picks up the bubbles and spreads them on her head or tummy, as if he's helping to wash her. She kicks like crazy in the tub and is getting close to rolling over. Yesterday she rolled on to her side a few times from her back.

 She is such a happy and social baby! She gives the cutest grins to people, and loves to be talked to and cooed at. We sat her in this Bumbo recently and she fills it out quite nicely when she has a cloth diaper on! She can hold her head up pretty well, and is getting stronger with holding her head up and looking around while lying on her tummy. We absolutely adore our sweet little girl.

 Mikey still likes to line things up. One day after he had been coloring by himself, I came back to find his beautifully drawn picture and the crayons all organized in a row. Little moments like this just make me giggle.

His vocabulary is also coming along nicely. In the past few weeks, it has seemed to be growing exponentially! He is in total parrot mode, and loves to repeat anything I say or do. The other day he put three words together for the first time when he saw baby Ginny wearing a hooded sweater. He said, "Baby hat on!" As you can see in the picture, he was riding his bike again with a Halloween trick-or-treat bucket on his head. AND... he's wearing big boy underwear! That's right. This little fella went through an intensive potty training weekend with me. We threw him a potty party and I had my doubts after the first day or two whether he was ready, but he has surpassed our expectations! I'm planning to do another post about our potty party. It was a choo-choo theme, based on suggestions from the book "Potty Train Your Child in Just One Day" by Teri Crane. I highly recommend it. It was a fun experience for him, and definitely made an impact because he is still enjoying his new-found independence as a potty trained big boy. I can't say enough good things about this method, but I'll save it for the next post. :)


Carol Joy said...

Gah! I gotta get some money and some time off so I can come see you and your babies!! Sigh. Someday...till then, I still love ya!! (Duh.)

Meg said...

Yay! I'm excited for the next post!
They are too cute. I love how he lined up all his crayons, AND how he drew only on the pad of paper! (we have very decorated walls here)
Ginny is darling. She is such a little doll face!

Brooke Carroll said...

Your kids are so cute...your sweet little baby cooed and smiled the entire time in relief society today, we couldn't get enough! You guys have such beautiful little kids!

Ani B said...

Loved getting caught up on you guys! Your kids are sooo cute!

Beth at Aunties said...

Thanks for posting!!! I really miss these sweet little ones. Ginny is growing... I just want to snuggle and love her. Mikey makes me smile. He is so GOOD and so smart! He looks like he will be a great little organizer. I know I am probably a tiny bit prejudice ..yet they are so darn cute! Love you all!