Sunday, February 26, 2012

Two Years!

Here's our big boy on the morning of his birthday party. Dad went to the store and got him some balloons. Mom gave him a haircut and put him in a new shirt from Grandma. Isn't he adorable? His birthday was the 20th, but we planned his party for the 22nd so we waited until that day to tell him it was his birthday.

Eating his birthday breakfast of waffles and orange juice

We opened two big gifts that morning, one of which came from Kevin's parents. He absolutely LOVED it! He kept saying, "Baa" "Hup" for ball, hoop.

It's the perfect height for a slam dunk! This hoop can be raised too as he grows. Thanks, Nana and Papa!

The evening of the party: We had a nacho bar for dinner. Mikey invited his best friends, Grace (4) and Gordon (2) who belong to my friend Katie, and Taylor (3) who belongs to my friends Cassa and Sean.

There's Katie with her kids

The kids eating dinner -- I think everyone ate more dessert than they did dinner, but oh well. The adults really enjoyed the nachos :)

We made Mikey some birthday brownies

After we sang Happy Birthday to him, I told him to blow out the candles

Cassa times this picture really well -- Mikey never blows on anything very hard, like when I tell him to blow on his food because it's hot, it's like barely a whisper. You can see the candle on the right is sort of being blown, but I had to help him after about three unsuccessful attempts. I love this picture of him, though. So cute!

Eating the brownies and ice cream

Opening presents -- the tractor was from Gordon, who LOVES tractors. It's funny because every time Mikey plays with his tractor, he says "Gordy" "tacka" because he remembers that Gordon gave it to him.

He got some puzzles from Grace and Taylor. This kid loves puzzles. He likes his alphabet too. He has probably done this puzzle five or more times every day since we got it. He can get pretty far on it by himself, and can even pick up several pieces and correctly identify which letters they are without help. I'm pretty impressed. The puzzle Taylor got him was a floor puzzle, jigsaw style. We put it together on the porch last week and he had a lot of fun with it. Thanks for all the fun presents, friends! Mikey also got a new movie from his aunt and uncle, with a birthday card signed by his cousins. We had a fun day. I can't believe my little guy is two.

Ginny even smiled for the camera. After she got her nap in, she enjoyed the party too. Unfortunately, she has been sick with a little cough the past several days, and I think it came on that night. She was a little fussy earlier in the evening. My friends were great to help me out with holding her while I was doing party stuff. Cassa's husband Sean is holding her in this picture. And I have to thank Cassa too for taking almost all of the pictures from that night. I love my friends.

"I'm TWO!"


Shawn said...

Oh, I love these pictures of our little guy! Good job on the party. Dad was salivating over the brownies and ice cream--me too!

Brooke Carroll said...

What great pictures...happy birthday to your little man! What a great birthday ;-)

Meg said...

Happy Birthday cutie pie Mikey!!

The Foys said...

Happy birthday Mikey! I can't believe you're two years old already! Love the post! Oh and Ginny's little die for!

Melissa and Matt said...

Happy Birthday Mikey! Looks likw a fun party. What cute pictures!

Jana Brookes said...

Happy late birthday Mikey! Looks like he had a great party! So fun at that age!

Beth at Aunties said...

These darling pictures made me smile, love them! Good job Cassa! Jamie, the party looked like a fun success...I loved seeing our Birthday Boy's big smiles... Two already? All these precious grandchildren seem to grow up so fast. xoxo